Sunday, November 28, 2010

Extra Blog: Food, Inc.

          Yesterday, Saturday November 27, 2010, I watched the film Food, Inc. Before I watched the film, I had not really thought about everything that happens before the food goes into my mouth. I usually would just pay attention to the dietary or nutrition elements in food. However, after watching this film, I think that I may have to start paying more attention to the other elements or processes that the food goes through before I eat it. I do have to say that I am glad I watched this film after Thanksgiving.
          This film talked about the processes of food. This film could be related to Globalization. The United States likes cheap labor and cheaper products. Food that contains mechanized chemicals is cheaper than organic food; however, it is not necessarily better for the consumer than organic food. When a person eats a food containing chemicals or pesticides, it can have negative side effects. The consumer may become ill or suffer from food poisoning. Unfortunately, money seems to be of greater importance than better health. I do understand that money is something that does not need to be spent recklessly. In this economy today, every money saver that the consumer can take part in seems to be more worth it than spending just that extra bit of money to buy food that may not cause some type of food poisoning. Another part of the film that really intrigued me was the factor of obesity. The United States is one of the most obese countries in the world today, and Alabama is either number two or three in the rating for obese states. I think that we, as a country, need to try to provide healthier meals for students and teach them more about obesity to make them better understand the consequences of food choice.
          This film really opened my eyes to the reality of what is going on in our country. After watching this film, I know that I will be more careful about what I eat and educate others that I know about food. I hope that in the future this country can become aware of what is happening around us and help start making a change.

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